The concept revolves around the colour of red, so the logo or an iconic feature has to be in the combination of Red/Reds with Sparrow from the combination of founders/owners thought process and en route digital’s visualisation.
Sparrow can be visually depicted in different ways. But bringing in the sense of what’s going on in the mind of the founder along with artists impression towards visually crafting it should depict the following point into consideration which was highlighted during the research process.
- Sparrow needs to be Red or in the shades of ‘Red’
- Visualised sparrow needs to embrace Freedom and should feel socialised one.
- Sparrow should also feature characters for flying High and must see it fast going.
- Sparrow is an urban bird and has to be good-looking.
- It should have a combined characteristic of doing something different for the family, should be in the flying position as sparrows love travelling and have originally seen in UK, European and Russian Regions. They are widely adapted to urbanised living in India.
En route digital is proud to take charge of entire branding, along with liveraging its presence in social media through content & email marketing. We are proud to have Red Sparrow onboard with us.